Fran Asaipillai
Account Manager
Kennet Community Radio
Fran spent much of her childhood on her grandmother’s farm near Newbury before spreading her wings to travel the world. She has built her career in business by forming relationships with clients for national press, the hotel trade, social enterprise and digital content marketing.
After some time at More Radio in Sussex, Fran joined Kennet Radio. Community is at the heart of Kennet Radio and here lies the sense in the partnership with Berkshire Stairlifts & Newbury Mobility. Our goals are very much aligned, in engaging and improving the lives of the listener (who is the community) by addressing the issues that really matter to them. Radio is a fantastic way to reach all members of a community as they go about their everyday lives.
Kennet Radio wholeheartedly support the work of Jade and team, to bring accessibility into the discussion, before it’s asked for. Newbury Mobility & Berkshire Stairlifts are sponsoring Kennet Radio drivetime and we have formed a truly organic relationship.